Sunday, 4 March 2012

The catch!

Here are some of the catches from the two previous trips! Lets start off with the ones from Santubong.

The spiny eel.

Blue line rasbora, nice schooling fish.

Some betta ibanorum was also caught! Gave them to my friend cause don't have enough space for them.

Next up, from Serian :

 The wood shrimp, aka bamboo shrimp/ fan shrimp/ asian filter shrimp..etc. the colour of this shrimp ranges from blue to brown to red to pink.

 It's a filter feeder, with its modified appendages, it can filter off plankton and other stuff from the water. Awesome to watch. :D

The Malayan shrimp. Colour also ranges from blue to red.

The target of the trip, the Borneo sucker! Cute fellas, can be seen grazing on algae on the glass or stones.

 Unique fish,endemic to Borneo. Can actually see the little heart beats on the underside.

Enjoyed watching them!

"Flying fox". Also an active algae eater.

Overall the trips were really awesome! Hope to find a new species someday, and name it in honor of me. *dreaming Sad to see that some people even brought soap and shampoo to the habitat to bathe. It's affecting the organisms people!!

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